

Why work?
To earn money.

‍Why earn money?
To buy work.

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WhyVentures is a business consultancy for future strategies, guiding brand positions, concept products and flagship communications.

The practice unfolds new perspectives, distills core identities, showcases new realities and invites new audiences - in partnership with companies and institutions that seek their next relevance in emerging markets.


Studio Milo Branding Design

Breaking with mainstream luxury

Brandpositioning for Mercedes-Benz

Juice Carton

21st century protection

Full-size corporate strategy for Uvex Group

Luxury born on the racetrack

Brand development plan for Mercedes-AMG

Pocket Stationary

Next generation Alpina

Strategic masterplan towards 2030 for Alpina

Letter Brand

Turning B2B into premium

Brandpositioning for Mercedes-Benz Commercial Vans

Product Strategy

Flagshio Communication

Brand Product development

Portfolio development

Brand development

Brand Product Development

Product Strategy

Corporate Strategy

Brand Design Prototyping

Brand development

Corporate strategy

Flagship Communication

Brand Development


Corporate strategy

Market development - customer research - process set-up - stakeholder analyses - mission & vision - masterplan - internal communication - operationalization

Portfolio development

Competitive & business research - market innovation - profitability plan - business segment expansion - investments

Brand development

Positioning - development plan - brand core – CX - audience development - brand architecture  - steering - touchpoint operationalization - appearance & identity

Product conception

Market & competitive analysis - product research - brand based product profile - product definition - R&D briefing

Flagship communication

Communication strategy - key messages - target group - channel strategy - storytelling - topic planning - creative development & realization - community building

Brand design prototyping

Environment & competition analysis - logo conception - look & feel - strategic CD concept - visual language


Bringing together the power of strategy and imagination for business.


Paradiesstr. 9, Rgb.
Munich, 80538
+49 89 9228 67 50

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